
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Trip To The Zoo

When you have teenage twins there is one thing you can be sure of and that is there is always going to be jokes, pranks and plenty of laughs.

I had to make a cartoon of one of the many jokes that Jake and his twin sister have said to each other and I hope you get a laugh out of it too. 

I hope everyone is having a safe and FUN summer despite this heat wave!! :)  

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

A little cartoon for all the great dads out there! :P

Summer Means Crazy Family Reunions!!

Summer is finally here and you know what that means, graduation parties, family reunions and all those crazy family get togethers. 
It had me thinking how much fun it would be to make a humorous family cartoon to celebrate such occasions and have people wondering just which little crazy cartoon was them!

Wishing you and your entire family wonderful summer weather, family fun & lifetime memories.

P.S. Make sure to take lots of pictures and videos!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Schools Almost Out! Twins Taking Drivers Training!

School is almost out for summer break... YIPEE!  Thanks to all the great teachers out there that do try to make a difference in their students lives, you are appreciated.
Jake and his twin sister will be taking drivers training this summer which makes me want to pull my own hair out piece by piece just thinking of all the worry that will be coming my way when they actually start driving on their own in the near future.

Don't say I did not warn you all about my crazy twins taking to the roads.  lol

I am very curious to see how having more freedom to roam will turn out between Jake and his twin sister, I think I have always wondered about the days of them becoming adults and if they will remain as close as they have through these early childhood days.  I am betting that even with the ability to have more space from each other, they will each choose to stay close to one another, that is my hope at least.

I will keep you all informed about the funny adventures that come from twins going through drivers training.

Speaking of, what is your funniest memory of drivers training? 

Friday, May 13, 2011

Summer Road Trips

This past weekend I had the pleasure of driving three out of my four kids across town and I realized that even though they are growing up, they are just as bad in the car as when they were toddlers.  One was in the back seat trying to tell me a good story about school, one was interupting the entire time to get her two cents in from the other back seat and the one in the front (Jake) was changing the radio station ever two seconds trying to find a song then cranking up the volume once he did! 
I did have a little smile on my face though, thinking back on all the times my own mother used to yell at my sister and I telling us "I hope someday when you have kids they drive you as nuts as you two drive me!"
LOL, you win mom... paybacks!

You know I had to race home and create a family cartoon to showcase these moments we all have seem to have had.  I hope this story brings back some good family car moments for you too!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Gardening With Gramps

For my Mother's Day yesterday I took flowers over to my mom and she needed help on her computer so the kids needed to find something to do, which landed them outside with gramps to work in the garden.

Let's just say say the "help" was not such great help in the garden and gramps had them in the house pretty quickly to play a game of Wii bowling instead.  It was probably a good thing though since it was another chance for grandpa to beat them down on a video game.  :)  Too funny!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mr. Innocent

When my son Jake was about eight or nine years old he had a pretty good philosophy and that was: “whatever it was, it wasn’t me.”
I even joked and called him the “wasn’t me man” for a few years.
Good thing this did not last long but those days were pretty funny since he was a master at crafting his words skillfully to talk his way out of things he and his twin sister had done.

I love how kids are always picking up new things and using them to their advantage, too bad it usually comes back on us parents like it does though. 
Have your kids pulled the wool over your eyes lately?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

ZigZag Zeal

My son Jake is a football player.

Youth football is crazy, you never know what you will see at these games. I have seen crazy dad’s who yell at their sons in front of the whole team, trying to re-live some crazy fantasy of their youth.  I am always shocked at the parents more then the kids, if you ever need a good lesson in good & very bad parenting go watch a youth football game.  Anyway, back to my football story...

I love sitting there in the stands watching Jake play even though I am a nervous wreck thinking about what injury is he going to get today the entire time. I love to watch Jake zigzag down the field with such determination and I smile when his teammates offer a hand to get up after a tough play. I love to hear his name over the loud speaker when he has a great play, especially love hearing other parents say “keep your eye on number 45, he is good.”

I loved watching Jake's twin sister on the sidelines cheering for the team, she was a great cheerleader. She was the “flyer”, you know the girl who gets thrown up in the air and relies on other young girls to catch her also known as the give-mom-a-heart-attack landings. She quit the cheer team last year but that’s okay, I love sitting in the stands with her where I know she is safe.

I love that my youngest daughter always looks for Jake on the field, is the first to run to him and hug him after the game and that even though he is a teenager he remembers to hug her back.

To make your own sport's mom shirt click here:

My favorite football memories of all though is when they have a really tough loss and my son Jake comes out of the locker room and walks back to the car with me slowly because he is so sore and tells me how he much fun he had. That alone is reason enough to love the game of football.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Yielding Yes-man

My son Jake likes to call himself the “ladies man.”
Mom thinks he is more of a yielding “yes-man” thanks to growing up with three bossy sisters.

One thing is for sure, my son Jake has been enrolled in a dealing-with-women-boot-camp his entire life. Thankfully, his sisters will always be around, just in case Jake does end up with a bossy wife… I am sure they will step in and let her know that is entirely their job and to stand down.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hugs and Kisses.
There is nothing like a hug when you are hurt or sad.
Nothing even comes close.
A hug from Jake or his sisters can truly turn my whole day around.
It still brings tears to my eyes when I think back to all the times Jake would get scared of something and run to me with his arms straight up in the air, huge tears running down his cheeks from those big brown eyes, saying “momma, momma, momma” the whole way to me.
I often wish I had a magic wand I could wave to get even one of those moments back, but I don’t.
I always thought it was so funny how I could pick him up, give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and like magic the tears went away and it was back to playtime.  Kind of made me feel like I had the magic touch!

Now that Jake is almost grown and very unlikely as a teenager to ever run to me screaming "momma, momma, momma" with his arms in the air, I can only carry these cherished memories in my heart.
Have you hugged someone today?